We bought our hens off of a very strange man indeed. We arrived at his farm to collect the year old hens I had ordered over the phone. The farm was brimming with poultry, some would call "free- range" others would call "feral". There were birds of all description and breeding running around all over the place. Hens with chicks of the oddest mixed breeding, it was hard to imagine what the parentage actually was. I think I saw what could only have been a Light Sussex chicken crossed with a Muscovy duck crossed with a Cockatoo, but having studied a little biology, I knew I must be hallucinating. Again.
The alarm bells did ring, but we are no pussies and refused to pay any heed to those infernal bells. That is for the weak and the cowardly. "Let us have these hens of questionable parentage, age and health" we said, "Here, take our money". "That's right, we are those city slicker suckers from yonder ways whom you have no doubt heard about". The strange man came out of his house and we introduced ourselves. He told us he had already given our birds away to someone else who arrived earlier, and now he would have to go and catch some more. This appeared to make him a little irritated, as if we had inconvenienced him because he had given our birds to someone else. Fifteen minutes later he arrives with his hands full of hens hanging upside down by the legs and plonks them into the boxes we had bought with us to carry them home. Money exchanges hands. Deal done.
The strange man had a very usual last name, the same name as a friend of mine who has family in the south west, so I asked: "Are you related to so-and-so from such-and-such a place?" He said: "I probably have got family there", then he turned away and went inside his house. G and I didn't know what this meant, so we hung around for about 10 minutes waiting for him to come out again. He did not. We got in the car and left, without a "thank you" or a "goodbye"